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Wise∞Women 12∞15 To 12∞21 Divine Partner CoCreation ∞ 7 Days For Your Solstice Gift!
Join us on the Full Moon In Taurus Activation & the process on our FB G Winter Solstice Gathering and New Year Intention CoCreative Visioning for 2025. Celebrate Life∞Celebrate The Seasons with our yearlong Empath Empowerment program.
Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs
are for kind souls who have not always been appreciated and given healthy support.
And yet at times been very brave and authentic
and that is what we will anchor into your subconscious - as you reform how you see yourself on every level - empowering all that you are and
you start Soul∞Blossoming.
Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs offer:
• individual coaching sessions, tools, & journaling
• Full Moon Activations with Wise∞Women Worldwide
• Equinox & Solstice Celebrational Intensives
• Our Weekly Moonday Lotus Heart Sister Circle &
• Our New Moon CoCreative Visioning & Goal Setting
Our Lotus Heart Wise∞Woman Soul∞Blossoming
Sister Circle is ongoing at Moondays 5-8 (CDT)
This is Lotus Heart Empath goals are custom to each.
Honor your path to a sacred, awe-filled life through the embodiment of your visions. Come to know that this is a natural occurrence as you set up your life that way.
Wise∞Women Soul∞Blossoming 1, 2, & 3 =
3 ∞ 4-Month programs = our yearlong program:
Celebrate Life ∞ Celebrate The Seasons!
The yearlong program offers a way of flowing and growing with the very powerful celestial movements.
Each Lotus Heart has custom time with me to be specific to your visions, and when you commit to the year-long program - right away - we focus on your yearlong goal. They can be done in any order.
When you sign up - you get these bonuses:
• FoodCool Flow Fun Healthy Easy Plant Based Living
• Moon Cycle Qigong for Home Life Prosperity
And as we cover the subjects, you will get a presentation on each of these topics:
• Yogadance Core
(Daily Core & Movement Flows)
• Astro∞Alchemy
(Understanding Relationship Karma)
• Lotus Heart Song
(nurturing your creative focus)
• CoCreative Communications & Spiral On Words
(Conflict Resolutions - Community Building)
• CoCreative Visioning & Reflective Journaling
In our circle, we share CoCreative Communication Tools & Interdependent Support Skills. We show up for our accomplishment and nurture our defeats that are seen as lessons that teach us a lot - so that we know how to move on - in ∞ gratitude.
There is a lot of information here. If you want to join our circle - look for WE ARE HERE NOW below.
We add new Wise∞Woman at our
New Moon CoCreative Visioning
We open to Wise∞Women Worldwide with our FREE
Full Moon Activations & offer CoCreative Expressions
We also share Transformational Intensives:
2 Full Moons To Fall & Spring Equinox
2 Full Moons To Summer & Winter Solstices
Lotus Heart Empath 1 - Personal
Soul∞Blossoming - Rebirthing You
• September 2nd Virgo New Moon,
we learn Moon Cycle Qigong and
we meet in our circle to prepare for the
Partial Solar Eclipse Full Moon.
Sep 17th - Pisces Full Moon Activation
Then just our circle does this 6 days journey:
"6 Days To Your Equinox Harvest".
Sep 17th to Sep 22nd Fall Equinox - Moon in Taurus
We start Moon Cycle Qigong Daily Practice and meet at the new moon, full moon and weekly circle.
• Oct 2nd Libra New Moon - Relationship Patterns
• Oct 17th Aries Full Moon - Grand Cross
Clarifying Visions & Making Choices
To join us... come to the Free Full Moon
& you can join our Sister Circle at the New Moon
Know we are "All Saints for All Saint's Day":
• Nov 1st Scorpio New Moon (All Saint’s Day)
• 11∞11-11∞15 Full Moon
"5 Days To Quantum Leap Into Your Visions".
• Nov 15th Taurus Full Moon - Saturn into Capricorn
Clearing Relationship Karma & Visioning Order
WE ARE HERE NOW: 2 Sundays New & Full Moon
• Dec 1st New Moon & Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini - Interdependent
Relationships from CoCreative Communications
• Dec 15th Full Moon in Gemini & Mercury Direct
Moon in Gemini -> Cancer -> moon in Leo - a good time for visioning Focusing Goals For CoCreation with
CoCreative Communcaitons
"7 Days To Your Solstice Gift!"
to Dec 15th - Dec 21st - Winter Solstice -
Holiday Attunement: Laughing Lotus Heart Qigong
We share our unique version of our Moon Cycle Qigong and share our Soul∞Blossoming Projects.
Bonus: 2025 CoCreative Visioning:
2025 Overview: A Year of Shifting Still.
Dec 31st 2025 Lotus Heart Empath Soul∞Blossoming
New Year Celebration Activation
• Jan 13th Full Moon & Mars in Cancer opposite
Pluto in Aquarius & Sun in Capricorn
• Jan 29th New Moon in Aquarius with Mercury
(Pluto that just went in Nov 19/20th 2024 and will stay until March 8/9 2043 - and it is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.)
JANUARY 29th 2025 on the New Moon
is when we begin our
2025 Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Program
Wise∞Women Lotus Heart Sister Circle -
New Moon & Full Moon & Transformational
Astro Opportunities - Windows & Doorways
for Home Life Alchemy!
Many special bonuses for those who commit for the whole year, focus on the clarity of their vision and spiritual practice of Moon Cycle Qigong.
If you are interested press the button below that says Lotus Heart Empath.
Moon Cycle Qigong is a wonderful way to honor your moon cycle and your spiritual growth, with your visions with the moon.
We plant our vision on the New Moon and offer our Lotus Heart Song (Creative Vision) on the Full Moon.
You have a choice of A or B for monthly payments:
We all go to FREE Full Moon Activation to appreciate
our progress towards our vision and invite friends.
New Moons are just for our Lotus Heart Sister Circle.
My prices are kept low to empower as many Wise∞Women Empaths as possible - worldwide.
Lotus Heart Sister Circle for Empath Empowerment
has 2 payment options:
I am offering an early bird price of $111.00.
Normally $222.00 - and all other prices may go up.
So I am offering a special for those who sign up early.
It goes up to $222.00 after our Full Moon Activation
Jan 13th Full Moon.
Early bird prices:
A = $111.00 = Moon Cycle Qigong
• New Moon CoCreative Visioning Gathering just for Lotus Heart Sister's
• Our Moonday Lotus Heart Sister Circles
• Full Moon to Equinox & Solstice Intensives
• 3-Hour CoCreative Life Reading - monthly
(The Math: $28.00 - $111.00 = $83.00 - so you get a
3-Hour Reading valued at $333.00 for only $83.00!)
B = $28.00 Moon Cycle Qigong (When $ is tight...)
• New Moon CoCreative Visioning Gathering
just for Lotus Heart Sister's
• Our Moonday Lotus Heart Sister Circles
• Full Moon to Equinox & Solstice Intensives
The only difference is that you pay extra for
discounted readings:
CoCreative Life Reading 1-Hour: $55.00
2-Hour Reading: $77.00
(The Math: $28.00 + $77.00 = $105.00 - $6.00 more
and you pay $111.00 and for only 6.00 you get the 3rd hour. This can be paid at any time in the month.)
Lotus Heart Empath ∞ Divine Partner CoCreation Preparation is best done as a year-long program that can lead to either or both certification focuses:
Lotus Heart Qigong Sound Healing & Reiki/Hands On Healing/Acupressure and FoodCool Flow & Cleansing Support. CoCreative Healing the whole self through channeling Art/Music/Dance/Photography/Poetry & the Art of Storytelling.
Aliah Selah ∞ Interdisciplinary Visionary Artist:
Psychic Inspiration Academy & Network
for those who are interested in being professional readers offering CoCreative Life Readings or just doing reading for yourself, friends, and loved ones. Here is a video to find out more about training Readers for Psychic Inspiration Network :
Celebrate Life∞Celebrate The Seasons!
The yearlong program - discounted when paid in full, and you can pay $111.00 a month for a monthly
3-Hour Reading or just $28.00, and you pay for readings as you need them at a discount.
And the sooner you decide to commit to the yearlong program, we start putting extra focus into your life overview and visioning goals into being with practical skills, and esoteric ancient ones, and all from conscious raising with your daily Moon Cycle Qigong practice & our supportive sister circle, and New & Full Moon - as we hold your visions with you.
My approach to CoCreating Love is rooted in positive psychology, mindfulness, living a wellness lifestyle, CoCreative Visioning on each new moon & CoCreative Expressions for the Full Moon Activations.
Moon Cycle Qigong is a "do it your own way", framework to add a sacred moving and sitting meditation with 7 Universal Concepts for Home Life Prosperity - using with mudras for the chakras for each day - and writing our own mantras and prayers while honoring the cycle of the moon to learn - The ∞ Art of Manifesting With The Moon & all celestial movement.
Moon Cycle Qigong
for Home Life Prosperity
Transformations from the CoCreative Visioning of each New Moon to Activations with each Full Moon.
Our deep connection to the Moon comes with our
Moon Cycle Qigong Daily Practice.
A 28-Day cycle that you get to choose how much support and guidance you would like to have for support with your New Moon Vision. Blending the Moon Phases & Elements along with affirmations and Home Life Prosperity & Inner Home Alchemy concepts to increase abundant prosperity in all area of our lives. Daily Meditations with Hand Mudras, Qigong Sound Healing Flows and Journaling - and sharing your process in our
Divine Partner CoCreation Circle.
Moon Cycle Qigong Transformations from New Moon to New Moon continually grow and change as you do. Each Wise∞Woman develops a daily moving meditation & siting mudra meditation practice. Influenced by learning the Moon Cycle Qigong Mudras for the 28-Day Transformation. And by going over the Home Life Prosperity themes and the prayers I have as "placeholders" inspiring you to write your own prayers. We study: Affirmative Prayer, Affirmations, and Self Healing Life Rituals -all as part of the New Thought Wisdom Traditions.
We continuously focus on Self Muscle Testing.
Here is a video to get started, focusing on
Self Muscle Testing to find your way to do it:
I teach everyone I work with SMT... it grows our intuition & trust in your body∞wisdom and all aspects of life.
All Wise∞Women start our circle with a 3-Hour
CoCreative Life Reading:
CoCreative Life Astrology, Tarot, I-Ching Readings to understand the spiritual growth EarthSchool lesson plan from your birth chart. As well as, when you meet someone and what to know more about the connection. It tells us what partners have come to teach and learn from each other. I also offer a way to get clarity on a specific question/focus with my Transparenting Tarot Readings (my own collaged Tarot deck) that I combine with the I-Ching.
Inner∞Mother∞Father∞Child∞Unity for
Transcendental Parenting within and then
with others. We see how the fool (child) begins
the journey and returns to go through it all again,
yet this time, as the sage (parent).
∞CoCreative Life Tools∞ are offered after the reading as follow-up for what came up in the reading. These tools have grown from 35+ years of offering Life Readings to support clients with their spiritual growth and life lessons. They are also given the path of our Moon Cycle Qigong Daily Practice.
In our CoCreative Love Sister Circle (for all Wise∞Woman) and our Lotus Heart Sister Circle (for those who become clients) we focus on:
Divine Partner CoCreation to raise our vibrations.
There are energetic reasons we feel a deep connection with people when we meet - as we raise in our consciousness, new people are attracted to us and us to them.
I call this The Nucleus Effect. This is what draws people to us of similar frequency, as we are both moving within the unified field.
We have free will to choose how we respond to what comes to us as it happens to us and how it is reflected in the birth chart.
Since 2010, I have had the honor of being an International Metaphysical Minister, and I add
CoCreative Life Readings to all of these offerings:
CoCreating LOVE Weddings - CoCreated Together
CoCreating Love Celebrations/Prayer Offerings
CoCreative New Baby Blessings/Family Blessings
CoCreative Home & Office Blessings with Feng Shui Qigong AstroQi-Sound Healing - and Cosmology based on your birth chart.
CoCreative Life Astrology teaches our birth chart through making an ASTROBEAD Necklace of your chart. Let us know you are interested in this, and we will organize it - usually in the Spring, yet it can be scheduled when ever the deep interest is there.
Living Astrology Playshops: teach us how to act out our charts in a 5 min. Elevator Pitch.
Leading to Living Astrology Live Performances where we act out the charts of those who attend.
So there are many focuses to your ongoing training:
• Become a Lotus Heart Healing Arts Student - for a Certificate in Reiki & Qigong Sound Healing. I am a (CMT) Certified Massage Therapist & (ABT) Asian Bodywork Therapist from Five Branches University Of TCM, Reiki Master of 3 Styles, & Medical Qigong Practitioner (Lee Holden L.Ac. & Mantak Chia) & over 1000 hours of Various Hands-on Healing Training
( in addition to 35 years as Wellness Consultant (
• Become a Certified CoCreative Life Reader at the upcoming ethically focused Psychic Inspiration Network we are birthing - after studying with at Psychic Inspiration Academy Intensives with Aliah & her Master Astrologer soulmate & husband for 37 years, Paz Rheinstein who developed the concept of Living Astrology & upcoming website: AstroCosmos.
• Become a performer in our Live Performances & our upcoming Web Series that is in pre-production: New Earth∞Good News.
Hear Aliah's timeless uplifting songs, & Music Videos.
And Aliah's YouTube Channel that has Music Videos, Poetic Videos and Psychic Inspiration Academy Instructional Videos.
Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs -
offer Wise∞Women Ongoing Support for
Intentional Transformation:
Focusing on:
Awakening: This is the process of becoming aware of our true nature and the deeper realities of existence. It involves questioning assumptions, seeking truth, and embracing spiritual growth.
Learning: Life is a continuous journey of learning. Every experience, whether positive or negative, offers valuable lessons. Embrace curiosity, stay open-minded, and be willing to learn from every situation.
Growth in Consciousness: As we expand our awareness, we begin to see the interconnectedness of all things. Higher consciousness brings greater clarity, insight, and the ability to perceive beyond the surface.
Compassion: Compassion is the recognition of our shared humanity and the willingness to alleviate suffering. By cultivating empathy, kindness, and understanding, we contribute to a more harmonious and loving world.
These additions provide a deeper understanding of each law, emphasizing the interconnected-ness of our inner and outer worlds, the importance of continuous growth, and the power of compassion and alignment with the universal flow.
I have been honored to offer opening prayers at events, co-host & offer Spoken Word Poetry - like this, from SWP - Naropa University
Our Evolution Is Being Empathized.
And especially, my timeless uplifting songs, in cafés, festivals, podcasts, new thought churches, spiritual gatherings, peace art activism, and special events with good vibes and just causes.
What do you do for creativity?
What lights you up?
What gets your smile beaming and the awe keeps opening your beautiful heart?
This is how I thrived during lockdown:
Beach Art During Lockdown Photos,
Poetry & Art by Aliah Selah:
These additions provide a deeper understanding of each law, emphasizing the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds, the importance of continuous growth, and the power of compassion and alignment with the universal flow.
Our Ongoing Free Wise∞Women
Full Moon Activations happen each month
to Empower Empathic Women Worldwide!
You can also just do a CoCreative Life Reading with me, to gain more Astro∞Insights on what is going on with your life now. Press the Astro∞insights button to schedule a 3-Hour Transformational Reading that is best for you.
Watch if interested in Psychic Inspiration Academy.
We lift each other up! Soul∞Blossoming our visions with interdependent support!
We grow our visions with a sacred daily practice to embody what we seek 5-8 CDT
Through our FB Group, we connect for Intensives that allow us to quantum leap.
We lift each other up! Soul∞Blossoming our visions with interdependent support!
Through our FB Group, we connect for Intensives for quantum soul growth
Appointments for CoCreative Life Astrology, Transparenting Tarot & I-Ching for Soul Growth follow-up with ∞CoCreative Life Tools∞ that Aliah developed, for what comes up in readings. Aliah offers Divine Partner CoCreation and sacred zoom gatherings: CoCreating LOVE Sister Circle & Get2KNowU Sacred Mingling.
Press the Readings button above to give the gift of a CoCreative LIfe Astrology Reading.
Wise∞Women can also join our Lotus Heart Empath Programs for Divine Partner CoCreation through our Lotus Heart Wise∞Women Soul∞Blossoming Sister Circle that provides the guidance & support we need to inspire lasting change.
Can you imagine a whole new you,
the you that you know is possible?
I would be honored to support you
with a whole self rebirth with lots of support and tools for your unique needs.
Introducing custom holistic programs:
Divine Partner CoCreation
CoCreative Life Tools in all 4 categories
Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual
and all 3 levels - within in, with others
and with Creator for a CoCreating LOVE lifestyle.
4 Months - 3 per year
as we celebrate each season.
Celebrate Life∞Celebrate The Seasons!
Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs are for kind souls who have not always been appreciated and given healthy support. And yet at times been very brave and authentic.
In our circle, we share Interdependent
Support and show up for our
accomplishment and defeats
that are seen as lessons and
teach us a lot.
The Lotus Heart Empath Path for a year of healing:
1st 4-Months - Lotus Heart Empath 1
Soul∞Blossoming - Rebirthing You
3 Hour Reading: Birth Chart
2nd 4-Months - Lotus Heart Empath 2
Sacred∞Partnership -
Understanding Relationship Alchemy
3 Hour Reading: Synastry Couples Chart
3rd 4-Months - Lotus Heart Empath 3
Eternal∞Expressions - Clearing what does not serve you & centering on your divine purpose. This is what leads us to our Divine Partner or deepens the connection made as divine partners with a shared vision.
3 Hour Reading: Brave Authentic Child HealingTrauma Resolutions Chart
These additions provide a deeper understanding of each law, emphasizing the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds, the importance of continuous growth, and the power of compassion and alignment with the universal flow.
CoCreative Life Astrology:
is God (as you understand God/Source/
Spirit/Creator) Centered, Soul Growth
Astrology that is non-predictive - we can choose many timelines for various outcomes.
God made the heavens too and as our
Creator reflects it - some understand the
messages the universe shares. It can be
taught, and seeing this can transform our
lives. As we help others to open up to, feel,
and understand more about synchronicity
and being in flow or as some with say "in
grace" with God - as we understand God
is why we are all here - to grow as a soul.
As a tool to help us to get to know ourselves and others and understand more about the people around us. It shows what we have come to teach and learn from each other. And with CoCreative Life Astrology, Tarot,
& I-Ching - for what the wise one would
do in your situation. We are offering more ways that we can understand each other
and get along better with
CoCreative Communications.
CoCreative Astrology helps to explain why some repel our energy while others we have good Relationship Chemistry or Alchemy if it is with a Divine Partner.
And it is wonderful for timing that help us get in tune with cycles and our life lessons at each age. So the chart is like a clock - and the stars were one of the first clocks - ask any real fisherman, and he will know where he is by the stars which way is home.
And mainly, for Soul Growth - our birth charts are a lesson plan for what we have come to work on this lifetime. It is also a clock for the timing that is seen as cycles in life.
With over 35 years of experience as a CoCreative Spiritual Astrology means that when we do the soul growth readings we do it together, in a conversation not a lecture. Some are needing to find their Calling.
I have been blessed with helping many to help themselves with the follow-up tools I share to help heal what came up in the reading. I support individuals to gain insights into their life path, and it opens blocks, and they meet a divine partner.
In Synergy Charts for couples, we see in the charts what each has come to learn from and teach each other.
Brave Authentic Child Healing:
I love working with women because I know the struggles and how leading with our hearts is not always appreciated. Especially, if our hearts are still carrying our traumas. Out of my hundreds of readings over the years, I have development and offer a new methods of healing that has been a miracle in people's lives.
I've developed solutions to help individuals move past childhood traumas and cultivate inner healing with a method I developed called Brave Authentic Child Healing or B.A.C.H. and it allows us to dissolve what we thought were our core beliefs. As your dedication grows for emotional healing ∞ your curiosity and bravery grows ∞ and we find more ways to heal.
Drawing from my background in art & poetry therapy as well as Transpersonal Counseling, I add this to my own life experiences. Being a "Joy Whisperer" allows me to see images of what brings deep joy and can be a powerful healing force, with the ability to tap into our greatest joys we fuel our passion and grow the ability to share our gifts.
I am Trauma and Narcissistic personalities informed and teach awareness of these dynamics to sensitive souls and empaths to protect their big hearts and hold boundaries.
As a Medical Qigong Sound Healer,
I offer CoCreative Sound Bath Events that many find healing and I also offer Past Life Regressions and cocreating custom soundtracks for specific needs.
We do lots of emotional work with
journaling, poetry therapy,
Unsent Letter Writing Therapy
and CoCreative Visioning
answering specific questions.
We also do Vision Boards and other
art centered tools to heal emotionally
and connect with our innate
ability to healing through
CoCreation simultaneously
happens on 3 levels:
with others
and with Spirit,
God, Source, Our Creator,
as each understands it.
"To choose love is to begin again. "
- Hugh Prathers
I developed CoCreative Communications as a way to resolve differences as we enhance relationships. This simple yet powerful approach emphasizes authentic and compassionate communication, acknowledging that "we're all in this journey of life together and our integrity allows us to be fair and work out differences so that it is best for all - as much as is possible."
The CoCreative Communications process hears the visions of each. In groups, we do the Visioning Process for sacred answers to come that serve everyone's needs.
Our ability to adapt to the energetics of others, while attuning to their needs, allows us to see how we can come together and heal. Our mental well-being grows through harmonious connections that allow us to collaborate more effortlessly.
Paz Rheinstein, my soulmate/bandmate/divine partner, has a wonderful saying that says it all:
"Best in each ∞ for the good of all."
It is time to stop comparing and competing and focus on our unique contribution to a collaboration that is best for all concerned. Studies show, how it is healthier for all involved to be part of a group that is fair and seeking everyone's cooperation because it helps the whole experience to be more fun.
Together, we are cocreating humanity into the New Earth where business is all about being of service, ethical and humane.
To go along with this, we're starting to build a new kind of online dating site:
CoCreative Connections - goes together with an app born from an interactive art instillation - Get2KNowU: Interactive art for Authentic Discovery and my vision is to offer Get2KnowU @Sacred Mingling Events
to help people to know people in the now and beyond our stories.
Let me know if you are interested in
getting involved.
"There is only one remedy
for lack of love -
to love more." -Aliah Selah
Then, I found this... cool hugh!
-Henry David Thoreau
Seek the path of agape love...
as yourself in times of questions...
WWLD? ("What Would Love Do?")
I offer tools that can help us become that which we seek to come to you with more ease. For 35 years I have been doing readings (Joy Whisperering Psychic, Astrologer, Tarot, & I-Ching) reader
who has developed many follow-up tools
to face and heal what comes up in the readings.
I have spoken to women and men so many times during a reading about attracting your mate, and then soon after, they meet their divine partner, living their calling and they grow a shared vision.
Teaching a "sensitivity training" focused Comedy Traffic School class where I taught that how we drive our car is how we drive our life and relationships.
I developed many tools to make it fun to
see things in themselves. I later did an art instillation with my art and lead people through the Get2KnowU:
Interactive Art For Authentic Discovery
that helps people to get to know themselves and others ∞ in the now ∞ and beyond our stories.
My vision it to make it a dating app and have it at CoCreating LOVE virtual and live events - as a fun way to meet singles and then make an amazing gathering for people to meet organically.
As a Medical Intuitive, and Patient Advocate for those with life-threatening conditions - where they have healed from cancer and other serious health conditions, all this has equipped me with many methods to offer you to inspire growth in optimal health & well-being. My background as a Wellness Consultant, with a 45 + year practice in Yoga and teaching my own form of yoga that I call Yogadance (developed in 1982).
During my magical pregnancy with our son, (1996) - I became a Reiki Master in 3 styles and studied Feng Shui and belly dance too.
A young women came to reduce the inflammation on a cancerous ovary. And instead, in 3 weeks - she went into complete remission. A miracle that I learned a lot from and repeats teaches the protocol for others.
Food should be fun and easy to make and vibrantly healthy for us to eat and share. FOODCOOL is an intuitive dietary approach that I developed and shared with known touring musicians to maintain vibrant health on the road.
Since 2012, I became a CA Certified Massage Therapist, and Qigong Instructor who trained with Lee Holden L.Ac. And our teacher, Master Mantak Chia. Together, they inspired me to develop Lotus Heart Qigong & Moon Cycle QIgong - that has 18 moves that have affirmations that are "call-outs" at video nature shoots for my uplifting New Thought ∞ Soul ∞ music videos.
I combined Lotus Heart Qigong and Yogadance with sacred and organic dance moves. And now, I train dancers and make music videos with Lotus Heart Yogadancers.
Let me know if you are interested in being in
a music video nature shoot or at a festival.
See LHY in music videos and hear uplifting New Thought Ancient Wisdom songs:
on my YouTube Channel @aliahselah or
Then, a woman came to me to help her prepare for an operation to remove a cancerous ovary. Instead, in 3 weeks of building her health up to cleanse, and 2 rounds of cleansing - along with giving and receiving healing in our Reiki Circle
∞ blessing be ∞ she went into
complete remission.
And within the year got pregnant, and had a healthy baby girl - and I have used this healing as a blueprint to help others.
As a wellness Consultant I had
Personal Source Wellness Center in Berkeley, CA -
a Metaphysical Bookstore & Wellness Center
My energetic healing training went from:
Reiki to CranioSacral Therapy to Ayurvedic Massage, yet mostly I focused on Acupressure and Medical Qigong.
I moved to Santa Cruz, CA to study healing.
In 2016, I earned an Asian Bodywork Therapist Certificate from Five Branches University of Tradition Chinese Medicine.
In Santa Cruz, I started
CoCreative Healing Services
I grew deeper into Qigong Sound Healing and vibrational medicine.
Acu-Tuning Fork Collection:
I developed AromaTone Qigong. A treatment that combines therapeutic grade essential oils put on specific points for a condition and then sending it in the cells with Acu-Tuning Forks for that same condition, as I send it in with Chi using Medical Qigong for the same condition. It is very powerful - I love to teach is so people can share it with loved ones.
Under Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs, I have developed many ancient Acupressure Flows for feminine needs and over all health and vitality in many women. All this, helps to entice our divine partners into showing up. I have seen how vibrational health is very magnetic and healing through sound frequency is very powerful.
Heart healing for heart centered people is hard to do alone, especially because it is a community wound. The most beautiful souls I know are empaths and we need a circle.
"Let there be space in your togetherness."
- Kahlil Gibran
Space has the sound of Om, Planets are at different frequencies, yet space between planets - is a very low hum of OM.
∞ Holistic Divine Partner Preparation ∞ is what I have been doing for years with the
Lotus Heart Empath Empowerment Programs at Lotus Heart Vibrational Flow.
LOTUS HEART EMPATH - means one who lives honoring their heart that is continually growing like the healing lotus. These are many of the Lotus Heart Self Healing Tools that are ancient tools to lift your spirit and raise your vibration.
I developed and have been teaching these energetic tools. I have written affirmations for each Acu-point - so the self-care ritual is a meditation, a prayer, and an energetic shifting tool for our all organs and especially our female ones and our nervous systems.
These are additional Masterclasses on the following CoCreative Healing Tools:
Appreciations Flow - a central flow that helps to heal our female organs and ease the ability for multiple organisms when this powerful self-healing tool is done daily.
Affirming Facial Flow - a daily ritual to nurture your beauty with self-care with affirmations on points to offers youthful energetics and build confidence in looking our best. Added is an adapted self-healing form of an Ageless Beauty Facial and healing herbs & foods taught with Ayurvedic Master Vasant Lad. BAM&S, MASc.
Blessings Flow - an EFT tapping song that allows us to raise our vibrations to be able to birth what is needing to be birthed. As we sing and dance - we let go of negative emotions that have been holding us back. This funky mantra allows all our awesomeness to grow - and we rise up and birth our visions.
CoCreative Wellness & Relationship Coaching guides clients towards discovering their own inner strength, resilience, and wisdom.
Through the CoCreative Communications & CoCreative Life Tools and my
"Joy Whisperering" insights - I support clients in listening to their heart and following their joy. As they are able to embrace vibrant health and well-being, they become a divine partner magnet. CoCreating LOVE begins within, and as we raise our vibrations - this attunes us to our calling, and we find a divine partner on the same path who resonates with our higher self. Together, both support each other in living life with a shared vision.
I believe everyone has the ability to cultivate a CoCreating LOVE that continually fulfills them, offering an awe-filled, meaningful life.
One of my greatest spiritual teachers is Michael B Beckwith, who developed and teaches the Life Visioning Process:
Quotes by Rev. Michael B Beckwith
"Are you ready to break your
agreement with mediocrity?"
"This happens...
once you are ready to choose."
Other favorite sayings of
Rev. Michael B. Beckwith:
"Behind every problem that we have.
There is a question trying to ask itself.
Behind every question - there's an
answer trying to be revealed.
Behind every answer - there's an
action trying to be taken.
And behind every action
is a way of life ∞ waiting to be born."
"What if every morning you
woke up and said,
“The entire Universe is for me?”
You can begin right now
to feel healthy!
You can begin right now
to feel prosperous!
You can begin to feel the Love that’s
surrounding you, and the universe will
correspond to the nature of your song."
Start this on the New Moon - and do it for 21 days to transform your life.
Interested in Divine Partner Preperation? Do a FREE Divine Partner Discovery Session. ∞ You can always FB Message me ∞ as Aliah Selah.
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We honor all women!
1. Bottom Left - Smiling Couple - Annette Sousa
2. Top Left - Couple kissing against the wall - Toa Heftiba
3. Middle Top - Sunset Couple - Brooke Cagle
4. Middle Top - Midlife Couple - Bernie Almanzar
5. Top Right - Seniors in love - FORMAT arw
6. Bottom right - 2 Women in love - Jayson Hinrichsen
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